Pure Salajeet
Product Highlights
Pure Salajeet in Pakistan
Product Detail
- Origin: Chitral
- 100% Pure Salajeet
- Lab Certified ✅
- Quality: Premium
- Weight: 10 gram above
- Good For Men – Women
- Power Booster
RETURN POLICY: If a customer is not satisfied with the item he reverses the right to return the item. No return will be accepted after 3 days from the shipment of the item. A full refund will be issued within 42 hours of receiving the item.
Buy Online Salajeet (Salajeet Price in Pakistan)
Buy Online Salajeet in Pakistan from Hunza Bazar Store. Hunza Bazar is Online E-Shopping Store in Pakistan that sells Gilgit Baltistan Traditional products like Hunza Dry fruits, Gilgit Baltistan Salajeet, Hunza Gemstones, Hunza handmade products, Desi products, and much more.
We extract raw Salajeet in Pakistan from the Highest Mountains of the Gilgit Baltistan region, a place known as the roof of the world because of its height from the sea level. Gilgit Baltistan Raw Salajeet is most popular.
We extracted Raw salajeet in Pakistan and then purified it from the raw impurities that come with every natural salajeet. The fresh salajeet is then packed and delivered to customers worldwide.
Hunza Salajeet in Pakistan is already shipping quality salajeet to its international customers since 2015. There are different prices of salajeet in Pakistan but Hunza Bazar delivers Pure and Organic Salajeet at very low prices with FREE Home Delivery.
Salajeet price in Karachi and around all the Provinces are the same. Salajeet Pics are given with its low prices. Come and Buy Gilgit Baltistan 100% Organic Salajeet.
What is Salajeet?

Many people are asking a lot of questions about salajeet, what is salajeet? and mostly peoples want to Know what is salajeet in Urdu? and what are its benefits? Does eating give strength to the body? Does its use increase male potency?
So today we will tell you in full detail its benefits and how to use it. And we will also explain the uses of salajeet in Urdu.
Salajeet Is a Material found at the Stones of the Himalayas. It grows from the decomposition of crops.
Salajeet is using in ayurvedic medicines. It’s a secure and powerful supplement that might have a beneficial effect on health together with your wellbeing.
Salajeet Is One of the many herbal minerals Formulations (Rasaoushadhies) utilized in Ayurveda–a curative system that originated thousands of years ago in Pakistan. Ranges around Earth, like the Altai mountains, in addition to the Himalayan, Tibetan. It’s supposed to form, in the decomposition of crops, in part.
The resin has a substantial compound called acid and is packaged with minerals.
Salajeet is extended in supplements kind, and it’s employed In folk medicine.
Salajeet Price In Pakistan
There are different Prices of Salajeet in Pakistan. Here are the Prices.
How to Use Salajeet? | What are the Uses of Salajeet?

Many peoples search on google about How to Use Salajeet? and they didn’t get any authentic answer. We’re trying to share how to use salajeet in proper way. Here are some Tips of salajeet uses.
- Daily intake should be between 300 to 500 milligrams.
- If you don’t know how much 300 to 500 milligrams will be then take about pea sized portion of salajeet.
- Take the dosage with milk or water.
- For best results, don’t masturbate and take healthy diet.
How to use salajeet in urdu? | Salajeet Uses in Urdu
سلا جیت یا شیلاجیت نہایت تیز بدبودار کڑوا ذائقے کا سیاہ رنگ کا ایک مادہ ہے۔ جو کہ پہاڑوں سے نکلتی ہے۔ یہ پہاڑکے دروں سے نکل کر جم جاتی ہے نکلنے کے بعد، اس میں پتھر کے ٹکڑوں اور مٹی وغیرہ شامل ہو جاتے ہیں۔ وہاں سے اس مادہ کو کھرچ کر گھروں میں لایا جاتا ہے اور بعد میں مختلف طریقوں سے صاف کر کے کھانے کے قابل بنائے جاتے ہیں۔ گلگت بلتستان میں پرانے وقتوں سے لوگ سلاجیت کو بیماریوں اور کمزوری کے لئے استعمال کیا جاتا آرہا ہے۔ بہت سارے خصوصیات اور فوائد کے ساتھ سلاجیت قدرت کی طرف سے خاص تحفہ ہے اور اس لیے سلاجیت کو پہاڑوں کا پسینہ بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔ گرچہ آج کل مارکیٹ میں سلاجیت کے کیپسول اور ٹیبلٹ اور پاوڈر وغیرہ مل جاتے ہیں۔ مگر ان میں بہت تھوڑی مقدار میں سلاجیت استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ اس لیے بہتر ہے خریدتے وقت سلاجیت کی عام حالت میں خریدیں یا آپ آن لائن بھی ہنزہ بازار آن لائن شاپنگ سٹور سے منگوا سکتے ہیں۔ سلاجیت دن با دن مہنگی اور نایاب ہوتی جارہی ہے۔ اس وجہ بنوع نوح انسان کے ہاتھوں دوسرے تمام قدرتی وسائل کی طرح سلاجیت (شلاجیت) کے ساتھ سلوک اورکرہ عرض پر موسمیاتی تبدیلیوں کی وجہ سے اس کی پیداوار کا رک جانا ہے۔
اللہ رب العزت نے بنوع نوح انسان کی بھلائی اور بہتری کے لیے ہزاروں اربوں اقسام کے ذرائع اور چیزیں دنیا میں بنا دیئے ان کی گنتی نا ممکن ہیں تو ان کے خصوصیات اور فوائد کا تذکیرہ کرنا بھی ہمارے بس کی بات نہیں۔ ان میں اس ایک ہمالیہ قراقرم کے پہاڑوں سے جادوئی انداز میں نکلنے والی سیاہ مادہ سلاجیت ہے۔
اردو میں سلاجیت، گلگت بلتستان کی زبان میں برق جونگ(برق-پہاڑ،جونگ-تیل) ہندی میں شیلاجیت، عربی میں حجرل الموسی یا عرق جبل اور انگلش میں(منرل،ویکس) وغیرہ کے نام سے جانے جاتی ہے۔ بعض جگہوں پے سلاجیت(Mineral Pitch/Wax) کے ناموں سے جانا جاتا ہے
ناشتے اور رات کے کھانے کے بعد سلاجیت کی تھوڑی مقدار(جتنی ماچس کی تیلی پہ آسکے) گرم چائے ، پانی یا دودھ میں حل کر کے پی لیں۔
ہلکی مقدار سے شروع کریں اور آہستہ آہستہ مقدار بڑھائیں۔
مرد،عورت دونوں استعمال کر سکتے ہیں۔
ہر عمر کے لوگ استعمال کر سکتے ہیں مگر آپ جس مقصد کیلیے استعمال کر رہے ہوں،اُس کے مطابق خوراک کے مقدار میں کمی بیشی اور کھانے کے طریقے کار میں تبدیلی لاسکتی ہیں۔
گھٹنوں،ہڈیوں،جوڑوں اور کمر درد وغیرہ کے لیے حسب ضرورت سلاجیت نیم گرم تیل میں مکس کر کے متاثرہ حصے پر مالش کریں
ہڈیوں اور جوڑوں کے ٹوٹنے یا ان میں چوٹ اور موج کی صورت میں مالش کرنے کے بعد گرم کپڑا باندھ کر رکھیں۔
سلاجیت کے مختلف نام/Names of Shilajit
اردو میں سلاجیت، گلگت بلتستان کی زبان میں برق جونگ(برق-پہاڑ،جونگ-تیل) ہندی میں شیلاجیت، عربی میں حجرل الموسی یا عرق جبل اور انگلش میں (Mineral pitch/Wax) وغیرہ کے نام سے جانے جاتی ہے۔ بعض جگہوں پے سلاجیت کو سلاجیت کے نام سے ہی جانا جاتا ہے
What are the Health Benefits of Salajeet?

Research About the health advantages Shilajit is restricted. Quite a several well‐designed, Placebo‐controlled, peer-reviewed animal or human research have published. However, several researchers suggest that shilajit may have the capability to give Specific health benefits.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
According to a preliminary rat study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2012, salajeet can help out with the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Following giving shilajit 21 times to laboratory rats, scientists found that many procedures may be affected by treatment with salajeet in Pakistan. Also, the treatment appeared to alleviate strain and protect from oxidative stress.
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease is most common in peoples. A report published in the International Journal in 2012, Salajeet is full of fulvic acid which assists to prevent the buildup of tau.
The authors of this report note an excellent deal more research must examine the effectiveness of shilajit.
Sperm Count and Motility
Research Published in 2010 Researched the effects of the dietary supplement on 35 infertile guys. After taking 100 milligrams of processed shilajit in a medicine capsule kind 90 times, 28 subjects who performed the analysis revealed gains in normal and total sperm count and sperm motility.
Blood Chemistry
A study published in 2003 when test subjects took 2 grams of shilajit for 45 16, Discovered improvements. Researchers triglycerides to the placebo group and noted declines in serum cholesterol levels.
The shilajit group revealed antioxidant status. But, research authors tested for—but didn’t find –changes in blood pressure, heartbeat, or body fat.
Along with this limited research, there are anecdotal reports concerning the health advantages of shilajit. The supplement is known as a natural remedy for the following health issues:
- Anemia
- Persistent pain
- Diabetes
- Digestive disorders
- Eczema
- Osteoarthritis
- Ulcerative colitis
Shilajit is said to fortify bones and protect against osteoporosis. Some proponents claim that shilajit can serve as an adaptogen, a category of compounds said to raise the body’s immunity. There’s not enough scientific
Evidence to support using shilajit benefits.
How to use salajeet for sex?

A study Many people use salajeet to increase their sex time. And this is true. Salajeet is very useful in removing male impotence. If you suffer from impotence, use salajeet before having sex. This will increase your sex time and you will be happier in your married life. Call our contact numbers or Contact Us for more information and get guidance.
Benefits of Salajeet in Urdu/ سلاجیت کے فوائد

عام طور پر یہ تاثر ہے کہ سلاجیت صرف جنسی کمزوری کی دوا ہے۔ مگر جدید سائنس اور تحقیقات کے مطابق سلاجیت کے حیران کن ، جادوئی خاصیت اور فوائد
ہیں جن میں سے نمایاں فوائد درج ذیل ہیں۔
اللہ رب کریم نے اس قدرتی مادہ میں بے
شمار فوائد رکھے ہیں چند فوائد درج ذیل ہیں۔
سلاجیت بہترین قدرتی طاقت حاصل کرنے کا ممبع ہے خصوصاً مردانہ اور جنسی کمزوری کیلیے بہترین دوا ء مانی جاتی ہے۔
سلاجیت میں ٪85 سے زائد وٹامن پایئے جاتے ہیں۔ جس میں مختلف جسمانی کمزوری اور بیماریوں کے لئے شفاء ہے۔
کمردرد، ہڈیوں، جوڑوں میں درد اور ہڈیوں کی کمزوری کے لئے سلاجیت ایک بہترین خوراک ہے۔
سلاجیت اینٹی ایجنگ ہے جو عمر کے بڑنے کے اثرات اور ذہنی کمزوری اور جسمانی کمزوریوں کو قوؤی مدد فراہم کرتی ہے۔
سلاجیت مرادنہ اور ذنانہ پوشیدہ امراض کے لئے بھی مفید ہے۔
سلاجیت ذیابظیس کے لئے بہترین دواء ہے۔
سلاجیت جراسم کش، اینٹی السر اور اینٹی الرجک ہے۔
سلاجیت ذوالخالصہ ہے اور یہ ایک وقت میں دو متضاد بیماریوں کی شفاء رکھنے کی صلاحیت رکھتی ہے۔
سلاجیت خون پتلا کرتی ہے اور موٹاپہ دور کرتی ہے۔
سستی، ڈپریشن اور عام بخار میں مفید ہے۔
عمر کے ساتھ ساتھ یاداشت کی کمی کے لئے بھی سلاجیت مفید مانی جاتی ہے۔
سلاجیت میں بہت زیادہ فیولیک ایسڈ پائی جاتی ہے جو دماغ کی نشونما اور ہمارے حفاظتی نظام کی مدد کرتی ہے۔
قوت باہ اور قوت مدافعت میں اضافہ کرتی ہے۔
سلاجیت پیشاب آور ہے اس کے استعمال سے مثانہ کی فلٹریشن ہو جاتی ہے۔
اعضلات،خلیوں اور پٹھوں کو مظبوط بناتی ہے اس لئے باڈی بلڈنگ کرنے والے حضرات بھی اس کو اپنے استعمال میں لاتے ہیں۔
سلاجیت کا مسکن/Paste of Salajit
ہمالیہ اور قراقرم کے پہاڑی سلسلے جو کہ پاکستان میں گلگت بلتستان، انڈیا میں لداخ،کارگل، نیپال اور چائینہ کے کچھ حصوں میں واقع ہیں۔ سلاجیت کا خاص مسکن مانا جاتا ہے۔ سلاجیت ٹھنڈے اور اُونچے پہاڑوں کے دروں اور چٹانوں سے معجزانہ انداز میں نکلتی ہے ابھی تک یہ معلوم نہیں ہو سکا کہ یہ کس چیز سے بنتی ہے مگر یہ پہاڑوں کے پسینے سے مشہور ہے۔ ایک تاثر یہ ہے جہاں گرم پانی کے چشمہ ہوں اور گندگ کی بو بھی آتی ہے وہاں عموماً آس پاس میں سلاجیت پائی جاتی ہے سلاجیت ابھی تک گلگت بلتستان میں جو لوگ پہاڑوں پے مویشیوں کو چرانے جاتے ہیں یا شکاری کے شوقین لوگ ہی سلاجیت کو مارکیٹ تک لایا جاتا ہے۔ اور عام لوگوں کے بس بھی میں نہیں کہ خام سلاجیت تک رسائی حاصل کرسکے کیونکہ اس کے لئے خطرناک اور جان لیواء پہاڑوں پے چڑنے کا فن اور سلاجیت پائی جانی والی جگہوں کا خاص واقف ہونا ضروری ہے۔
عمل کشیدہ کاری (Purification)
سلاجیت کو پہاڑوں سے لانے کے بعد پانی کے برتنوں میں ڈال دیا جاتا ہے۔ چونکہ سلاجیت میں چٹانوں کے ٹکڑے مٹی اور بہت سارے دوسرے فاسد مواد بھی شامل ہوتی ہے۔ چھتوں پر رکھ کر فاسد مواد برتنوں کے پیندے میں بیٹھ جانے پر برتن تبدیل کر دیے جاتے ہیں۔ دھوپ میں سُکھا کر حاصل کردہ سلاجیت کو آفتابی سلاجیت کہا جاتا ہے۔ سلاجیت کو کشیدہ کرنے کے عمل میں کئی کئی دن لگتے ہیں۔ سلاجیت کو آگ پر رکھ کر بھی کشیدہ کاری کی جاتی ہے۔ گرچہ اس عمل میں حاصل کئی گئی سلاجیت کی رنگت سیاہ،بھوری اور چمکیلا ٹھوس شکل بن جاتی ہے مگر اس سے حاصل کردہ سلاجیت میں اصل توانائی ذائل یا کم ہونے کا خدشہ رہتا ہے۔ سلاجیت کے ایک ہی قسم ہے مگر اس کے مختلف حالت ہو سکتی ہے۔ خام اور خالص کردہ، کشیدہ۔
اصل سلاجیت کی پہچان
اصلی سلاجیت کو پہچاننے کے لیے حکیم حضرات اور مداری لوگ مختلف طریقے بتاتے ہیں مگر سب سے مستند طریقہ پہچان یہی ہے کہ سلاجیت کی سیاہ رنگت ،سخت بواور تلخ ذائقہ ہے۔ گرم پانی،چائےاور دودھ وغیرہ میں آسانی سے حل ہوجاتی ہے۔
Why Use Salajeet?

Salajeet is a mountain gift that is known to increase male potency immensely. In which case men have always wanted this thing. Not only does it increase strength, but it also has many health benefits. It is very useful for relieving bone and joint pain. Further benefits are given to you below.
How Does Shilajit Works?
Many people are complaining that they do not feel any difference despite using Salajeet. There is also a method of using it. If you use real saliva on a daily basis, you will start to get many benefits. Some people are in a hurry and miss out on the benefits. Use it on a daily basis and following the instructions will make a significant difference in your body. Contact our representative for more information.
Is it Safe to Take Salajeet?
Yes, it is obviously safe to take salajeet and it is considered as a cure to hundreds of diseases but the most important thing is its usage if you consume it according to its prescription you will definitely get all the benefits from salajeet.
To get all the benefits from this pure and organic salajeet is entirely based on its usage and amount consumed. We may receive advantages from everything we use, and the only thing we need to consider is how much of a material we should use in order to achieve those benefits. For example, using too much of a medication is destructive while using the right quantity of the same medicine might be curing.
How to use liquid form salajeet?
There are basically three types of salajeet which include paste from salajeet, liquid form salajeet, and capsule form salajeet. All the three kinds of salajeet have different usage you can’t take liquid salajeet as you take its paste form both should be consumed in different amounts.
Kinds of salajeet and their usage
If you purchase salajeet in liquid form, dissolve a quantity of rice or a pea grain in a glass of milk if milk is not available you can use salajeet with water as well but milk is recommended by us and drink one to three times a day, or as directed by your physician (depending on instructions). In general, 300 to 500 mg of shilajit is advised per day.
How to use paste form salajeet?
Paste form salajeet is used by taking a very little amount same as the size of rice grain and roll it to make it like a pill then use it with a glass of water or a glass of milk every night before sleep.
It is used only once a day before you sleep as it is the most purest form after treatment to extract the harmful substances present in salajeet.
How to use capsule salajeet?

After meals, take 1 Shilajit pill with a glass of lukewarm milk. Continue this process for almost a month to get all the benefits from this natural and organic mineral.
Is There Any Side Effects of Salajeet?

Though this herb is natural and safe, you shouldn’t Consume Unprocessed or Raw shilajit. Raw salajeet may contain free radicals metal ions, fungus, whether your shilajit purchase online or from a health or healthy food store is ready to be used and processed.
As this is regarded as a natural approach to health, salajeet isn’t acceptable for quality, purity, or potency in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Explore your options of where to purchase it and pick a source. Don’t take salajeet if you have sickle cell anemia, hemochromatosis, or thalassemia. It’s very likely to be allergic to the supplement. Cease taking salajeet.
Salajeet in Pakistan is available in liquid and powder forms. Administer nutritional supplements based on instructions. In the event you have the dietary supplement in liquid form, dissolve a small percent of the size of a grain of rice or a pea size in liquid then drink one to three times daily (based on instructions ). Or perhaps you take powder twice per day. The suggested dose of shilajit is 300 to 500 mg daily Trusted Source. Speak with your healthcare provider before taking Salajeet.
Disease caused by excessive use of salajeet
If unfortunately, salajeet doesn’t suit your body you may get the following illnesses,
- Loose motions
- Abdominal pain etc…
Potential Side Effects of Salajeet

Because of the lack of research, little is understood about the protection of normal or long-term usage of salajit. Shilajit can also raise iron levels. Therefore, individuals with ailments like hemochromatosis (too much iron in the blood) should prevent it.
Shilajit supplements ingested twice daily for 90 days have been found to increase testosterone, free testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA-S) levels in the body. Shilajit is helpful to change the human body’s hormone levels.
Consuming raw or unprocessed Shilajit is not suggested. Children and pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take shilajit.
Dosage and Planning:
There’s not enough scientific evidence to ascertain a proper or standard dose of shilajit. Some vendors of this supplement recommend up twice or once. Although evaluation areas are under supervision in research studies, varying levels have been employed by studies. The dose for you will Rely on your condition of wellbeing, your age, and the advantage. Speak with your healthcare provider to find information concerning the use of any dietary supplement.
Heart Health:
Shilajit is a nutritious supplement. Salajeet helps to improve human heart health.
Researchers have been testing shilajit‘s cardiac performance on laboratory rats. Some rats were injected with isoproterenol after receiving a pretreatment of shilajit to induce heart injury. The study found that rats given shilajit had fewer cardiac lesions prior to heart injury.
If You are suffering from heart disease then you shouldn’t take shilajit & consult your medical doctor.
Who should avoid using Salajeet?

If you have sickle cell disease, hemolytic anemia (a condition in which there is too much iron in your blood), or thalassemia, you should avoid using shilajit. A reaction to this supplement is possible if you are allergic to it. If you get a rash, elevated heart rate, or dizziness while taking shilajit, stop taking it.
What to Search For….?

Salajeet comes in various forms, including liquid, powder, and capsules. There is. There are security concerns when taking any nutritional supplement or this. Dietary Nutritional supplements are mostly unregulated by the FDA, and the bureau doesn’t need dietary supplements to be tested for security.
Some goods may be contaminated with materials like heavy metals. May include contaminants. When picking a supplement, attempt to locate products that were accredited by Consumer Labs, The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, or NSF International.
These associations do not ensure that a product is effective or safe, but they do provide a degree of testing for quality. Last, Keep in your mind It Is not Legal to advertise any dietary supplement product as a cure or treatment for a Specific disorder, or to relieve a disease’s symptoms.
Where to Buy Online Salajeet (Shilajit)?
Almost all Desi Products and Dry Fruits come from Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. You Can buy these desi products and delicious Dry fruits from HunzaBazar.com
Hunza Bazar is an online store that sells all the Hunza Dry fruits, Gilgit Baltistan dry fruits 100% Organic, and Fresh Dry fruits at very Cheap Prices. Buy Online Salajeet price in Pakistan from HunzaBazar.com you can also buy all the Hunza traditional products such as Hunza Gemstones (Precious & Semi-Precious), handmade products, desi products, 100% Pure and Original Shilajit (Salajit). Come and buy your favorite product at very cheap prices with FREE Home Delivery nationwide.
Word Of Caution/ احتیاط

Eating a lot of Salajeet can cause different serious diseases like heart problems, diarrhea, etc. Additionally, there are those who are allergic to Salajeet or specific chemical components within them, and the consequent allergic reactions may be moderate to severe. As always, before making a significant change in your daily diet, talk with your physician.
سلاجیت کھانے کے بعد جسم کو ٹھنڈا ہونے نہ دیں۔فوراً ٹھنڈا پانی پینا صحت کے لیے سخت نقصان دہ ہے۔
عورتیں دوران حمل استعمال کرنے سے پرہیز کریں۔
بلڈپریشر کے مریض ہرگز استعمال نہ کریں۔ دوسرے امراض میں مبتلا افراد بھی ڈاکٹر کے مشورے سے سلاجیت استعمال کریں۔
جسم سے فاسد مادے نکلنے اور جسمانی کارگردگی بھال ہونے کی وجہ سے فوری طور پر کمزوری محسوس ہوگی اس لیے دورانِ استعمال صحت مندانہ خوراک کھائیں۔
تمام دوائیاں، سپلیمنٹ ڈاکٹر کے مشورے سے استعمال کریں۔
سلاجیت ٹھنڈے اور خشک جگہوں پر رکھیں اور بہترین نتائج کے لیے ایک سال کے اندر استعمال کریں۔
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53 reviews for Pure Salajeet
Salajeet Is One of the many herbal minerals Formulations (Rasaoushadhies) utilized in Ayurveda–a curative system that originated thousands of years ago in Pakistan. Ranges around Earth, like the Altai mountains, in addition to the Himalayan, Tibetan. It’s supposed to form, in the decomposition of crops, in part. The resin has a substantial compound called acid and is packaged with minerals. Salajeet is extended in supplements kind, and it’s employed In folk medicine
Salajeet is available in two forms: liquid and powder. Always follow the supplement manufacturer’s directions while using supplements. Shilajit is taken in doses of 300 to 500 mg each day, according to Trusted Source. Before using shilajit, see your doctor.
No, shilajit can drop blood pressure, which can be dangerous for people who are using blood pressure medication. It’s also worth noting that anyone with a history of hypotension should avoid using shilajit supplements because they can drop blood pressure.
Yes, with adequate medical care, women can use salajeet. It is an excellent vitamin that increases a woman’s energy levels, allowing her to go about her daily routine with enthusiasm.
The impact of salajeet can differ from one individual to another contingent upon their age, sex, and ailments. In any case, the vast majority begin to get its advantages inside 1 to 2 weeks. To get its most extreme medical advantage it is prescribed to take shilajit for at any rate fourteen days.
Muhammad Sulaiman –
thanks hunzabazar.. ye mera 5th order ha.. apka salajeet bohot hi acha. aur mera drd ma kafi aram aya ha.. best quality product..
Adeeb Ahmed –
Really Awsome Salajeet I Like Hunza
Aitzaz Ahsan –
Rarely, if ever, do I write reviews. This one definitely deserves five stars!
Faizan Ahmed –
Good company with great customer service. You can tell that they always care about the product and want the customer to help. 🙂
Imran Ali –
Excellent customer service. Took immediate attention to the issue. The wrong product was received, and they answered the same day. Thank you.
Hamad Azhar –
Thank You – ap k salajeet bhot acha tha Good Job Keep it up ☺️
Kamran kamii –
Thank You Hunza Bazar.. Doing a Great Job… Quality & Price both are Good….
I Must Say Quality is impressive and services are superb….
Thnaks again hunzabazar team… 👍❤️👌👌
Muhammad Ali –
Wowwww Amazing… Quality is very nice… Thanks HunzaBazar
Service aur quality donu ache hain…..nice…❣️
Hammad Ali –
Bhot acha salajeet ha ap logo ka – Thank You
CM Blog –
This really answered my problem, thank you!
admin –
thank you sir for your valuable feedback
Anees Ahmed –
Good Quality Salajeet and Best Services.
admin (verified owner) –
thank you sir for your valuable feedback
Firdous Ahmad –
I used this product & it is very best product and excellent quality
Mansoor Ahmed –
Hunza Bazar is a best marketing line. Fast Delivery. This product good quality. Good packaging. Low Price .Best customer service. Thank you.
Muhammad Shafique –
Thanks HunzaBazar. Quality aur Service Donu Bohot Ache Hain….. Aur Hunza Salajeet Ki to Baat ki Kuch Aur Ha… 👍👍👍👍
Javed Ahmed –
Hunza Bazar Store ke Sare Products Ki Quality bohot achi ha. But Delivery timing thodi late ha. I think door hone ki wajah se hoga. Well Hunza Salajeet Ki Quality bohot hi achi ha thanks HunzaBazar
admin (verified owner) –
Sorry Sir. Asal ma gilgit se Punjab 600+KM door ha to thoda timing problem ha but we’re trying best. Inshallah we improve our services.
Lubna Kanwal –
I will Give 3 Stars. I think you Need to imporve your services like Daraz. Baki Salajeet ko use kiya.. 100% real salajeet diya ha thanks to Hunza Gilgit Baltistan. Love You HunzaBazar
admin (verified owner) –
Thanks Dear Sir. Your Reviews are very Precious for our Company. We’re trying our best for our customers.
Reshma –
I love Hunza Gilgit Baltistan. Ma Gilgit Ayi hun bohot hi piyari jagah ha Hunza Gilgit. Apka honey aur sare Desi Products Kamal ke hain. Thanks…..😍😍😍❤❤
admin (verified owner) –
Thanks Reshma Ma’am.
Irfan Ali –
Thanks Hunza Bazar. I have used Hunza Shilajit. Taste and Quality is Wowww.. Good Keep it up….
admin (verified owner) –
Thanks Sir… Your Comments are Valuable For Us… Please Be With Us
Muhammad Ibrahim –
Me ne Order Kiya tha lekin Quality muje kuch khaas nhi lagi. Please could you give me a Pure Himalayan Shilajit….?
admin (verified owner) –
Soory Sir Shayed Kuch Mistake Howi Ho.. Please Contact us at our Whatsapp Number. Well trying our Best. Sorry Sir agr koi mistake howi ho to.
Celebrities –
You completed a number of nice points there. I did a search on the issue and found nearly all people will have the same opinion with your blog.
Rehan Ali –
Hunza Salajeet is One of the Best Herbal For Sexual Issues. Really I’m using this and it works. Hunza Bazar sells this amazing product at cheap prices. Thanks, Hunzabazar..
admin (verified owner) –
Thank You Sir
Mustafa (verified owner) –
Salajeet ki Qualtiy to achi ha lekin effect krne ma time lagata ha.. Kya is se bi premium ma salajeet mil sakta ha..? aur kya isko freeze kr sakte hain?
admin (verified owner) –
G sir isko Ap Freeze kr sakte hain aur ye kuch time baad effect krne lagta ha. Aik Dafa Khaney se apko kuch farak mehsoos nhi hoga lekin ahista ahista daily use krne se apko iske effects milna start hojayenge.
Sharon –
Love this product. It provides me with a stable sense of energy – both physical and mental – but without the edginess or anxiety of caffeine. I also love that it’s packed with minerals. I put a pea-size amount in my hot tea every morning. When I run out, I miss that boost I get from it.
admin (verified owner) –
Thank You For Your Feedback.
Rashida Bano –
This is my second purchase of this product and I am extremely satisfied with the quality of the product and its benefits
Straight off, I noticed that my energy levels and stamina are much higher, just within a few days of using it.
Thank You.
zortilo nrel –
It’s actually a great and useful piece of information. I am happy that you shared this useful information with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thank you for sharing.
Ubaid ur Rehman –
Apka Salajeet Use Kiya Aur Muje Kafi Farak bi mehsoos howa.. Thanks For Giving Best Quality Salajeet in cheap prices
admin (verified owner) –
Thanks For Shopping With Us….
Usama Ali –
Salajeet to Me ne Use Kr liya? Lekin kuch Farak nhi horaha? Kiya isey Routine Ke sath Lena Hoga ya Aik Bar Use kiya to effects ajayen?
admin (verified owner) –
G Sir isko kuch time Routine ke Sath Use kren to ap Farak Mehsoos hoga. Ye chemical Free ha aur 100% Original and is liye effect krne ma thoda time lagega? Chemical se full Salajeet ap ko Waqati tor pe to aram dega lekin uske side effects hain jo apki health pe effect krega. is ko routine ke sath use kren jab tak apko is se faida nhi hota? Thanks For Shopping with us…
Ilyas Hussain –
I have Used this Product and I’m very disappointed about your Quality. There is no any changes in body?
Very Bad
admin (verified owner) –
Sorry Dear Sir… Ap ko Kuch Galat Fehmi howi hogi. Hamari live team se contact Kren wo is se related apke issues ko sort out krenge..
zortilonrel –
Appreciate it for all your efforts that you have put in this. very interesting information.
Afnan Ali –
Good In Quality & Very Nice. I ate this and Get wow results…
Saqlain –
I have used this it works but take so much time to give results.
Mujtaba –
MASHA’ALLAH MASHA’ALLAH Bht Achay Zabardast 💯👌👍👍👍👍👍👍
Very Good Satisfied 💯👍👍👍👍👍
Thanks Hunza Bazar 👍
Syed H. –
The product was very good quality feels premium in this price point qualities very very good recommend seller to all
Hamza –
Great product ty for gift too .. very early delivery
Amir Ali –
yes the salajeet is good but need to deliver it fast.
Ahsan –
Amjad Ali –
thank you really apki salajeet bhot achi ha
Sohail Khan –
The greatest Shilajit in Pakistan is available at the most reasonable prices. I placed an order for 50grams of Shilajit while it was still available. Maintain the high level of quality.
Ismail –
The purest Shilajit I’ve ever encountered. Thank you very much.
Pure Aftabi Shilajit of very high quality.
Jasmeen –
I have been using this Shilajit for 2 weeks now, pure Shilajit in Pakistan I ever tried at best rates.
Highly Recommend
Mahi –
Thank You, 100% Original Shilajit, Very bitter taste and very strong smell, and I only used it hardly twice or thrice a week, and it keeps me super charge
tariq (verified owner) –
ap ki service bhot achi hai salajeet b pure hai , i use it once in a week , i m from quetta or yahan ais quality ki salajeet kahen nahi milti , thank you hunza bazar
admin (verified owner) –
Thank You Sir
Shahzaib (verified owner) –
MashaAllah original product And Good seller 💯😍
Qadeer khan –
Received original salajeet.
Thanks team hunzabazar .
Staff is very cooperative.
Sabiha Akhter –
I will give 3 stars.. Beacuse delivery timing is very slow.. takes 4 to 5 days of delivery.. sorry hunzabazar team.. but quality and taste was good..
Daniyal Ahsan –
I have been using Salajeet for a few weeks now and have definitely noticed an improvement in my health. I feel more energetic and my digestion has improved.
Thank You Hunza Bazar 🙂
Azlaan Ali –
Salajeet has been an excellent addition to my health regime. I have been using it for over a month now, and I have definitely noticed an improvement in my overall health and well-being. I would highly recommend Salajeet to anyone looking for a natural way to improve their health.
Akram Shaheen –
This was awesome. Muje to kafi acha feel howa jab isko use kiya to… Hunza Salajeet sach ma Kaam krta ha. meri Married life bohot distrubed thi.. Natural salajeet is very benefical.. Thanks Hunza Bazar
Musrat Shaheen –
Thanks Hunza Bazar… Nice Taste & Qualtiy.. I highly recommended this prdouct to all of you.. Love it😘😘
Ambreen –
So, at first I ordered a different product that had good flavor but had not noticed any changes. Talked with my homeopathic doctor and she said this was the one to go with so I ordered it. I have noticed changes in myself within the first few days. What a wonderful product.
Touseef Khan –
I’ve been using this pure salajeet from the hunza bazar for almost two years now. In that time my life has accelerated into higher levels of well-being, mental clarity, success, more focused meditations and realized universal love. I attribute some of this progress to the use of this fine shilajit. It’s high time I take a few moments to share my experience so that others may benefit.
Hassan Ali –
This product is extraordinary. I work in the industry and have tried most of what people consider ‘the best of the best’. Believe me, this is one of the VERY best of the best.
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